Real Property Law
This field of law deals specifically with questions and/or problems which have to do with real property issues such as, more particularly:
- Drafting of contract and verification of the same
- Acquisition, transfer, use, charges and encumbrances and alienation or sale
- Law of expropriation (compulsory sale)
- Hereditary building right (lease in perpetuity)
- Law on collateralization of loans (e.g. land charge, mortgage)
- Fiscal law (e.g. land tax and real estate transfer tax)
- Encumbrances and charges on land (real servitudes, usufruct, mortgage loan charges, land charges)
- Land registration law
- Security interests (notice of conveyance/caution title, right of pre-emption, right of re-purchase)
- Execution levied upon real property and forced sale
- Receivership and insolvency