Traffic Law
Traffic law, more particularly road traffic law is a multi-faceted field of law. It includes the domains of penal law for traffic offenses and the law concerning minor misdemeanours as well as the law on the administration of driving licences proceedings, the law concerning the liability for road traffic accidents and the law governing motor vehicle insurance.
In this context it must be taken into consideration that all of these afore-mentioned domains are in multiple ways interrelated both under legal and under factual points of view. Thus a statement made in the course of investigation proceedings – be it penal proceedings or minor misdemeanour proceedings – frequently has considerable effects on whether or not a person has the right to have a driving licence.
Issues which are at stake in this context are the questions of whether the licence-holder may keep his or her driving licence or whether a renewed driving licence can be granted, and the determination of a person’s driving qualification or fitness and more specifically the requirements which must be met in order to justify a renewed granting of a driving licence. Also any statements which may have been made in the course of investigation proceedings have their effects when liability questions come up and must be answered in the case of accidents.
There are also many cases where considerable consequences may arise with respect to insurance coverage issues, especially as far as a vehicle’s insurance is concerned. Another point of relevance are statements which concern a potential recourse of a third-party liability insurance as obligatory insurance. This is of particular significance for problems which frequently arise when road users are driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, a situation which happens quite frequently in practice.
Another situation is the frequent hit-and-run offense which seriously affects a person’s insurance coverage. In view of all of these circumstances we have to deal with significant correlations and interactions of aspects in handling cases which have to do with road traffic law. All of these must be seen and properly assessed when handling a traffic offense case. After all it happens quite frequently that traffic offenses have an existence-jeopardizing impact on the life of the person concerned.
As a matter of fact it happens quite often that traffic offenses, especially when it comes to the exceeding of speed limits and distance measurements lead to a driving ban. Other frequently relevant traffic offenses which also jeopardize a driver’s existence are drunken driving and hit and run offences which regularly end up with the withdrawal of the driving licence. In cases like these the administrative fine or fine which is then also regularly inflicted on top will often appear to be reduced to insignificance for the individual concerned.
In view of the complex nature of traffic law it is necessary to immediately contact a lawyer whenever any of its regulations were offended. This is not only true for those cases where investigation proceedings are intitiated, but also whenever the individual concerned feels that such proceedings are imminent. After all it is already at this point that information may be obtained as to what the potential traffic-law-associated consequences are which are to be expected under the provisions of either penal law or of the administrative fines catalogue.
Another situation where a lawyer should immediately be contacted is after an accident to make sure that the victim party may get immediate support in the settlement of the damage involved in the case. Our qualified expert lawyer for traffic law is all ready to answer the questions which you may have in this respect.